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ILIDE - Innovative Library In Digital Era 2019

Událost Konference
Čas Neděle 07.04.2019 16:00 do
Středa 10.04.2019 10:00
Místo Jasná, Nízké Tatry
Přidat událost do kalendáře vKalendář (Windows, Linux)
iCal (Mac OS X)

Místo konání:
Jasná, Nízké Tatry  - Slovensko

For the 22nd time, the beautiful surroundings of Low Tatras will create a scenery for the ilide2019conference where as usually the digital preservation, digital collections access and digital processing experts from around the world will gather. The aim of the ilide or Innovative Library in Digital Era conferences is to bring subjects fully reflecting its name and present visionary and original ideas based on an extensive experience of the participating experts and institutions. The presentations will be given by leading representatives of the most important institutions dedicated to librarianship, archiving, information technology, cultural and collecting activities.
Main themes of this year’s conference are:• repositories and research data archiving• open science• digital humanities• digital scholarship

Typ akce: Konference

Pro koho je akce určena:

Pro jaký typ knihoven:
odborné knihovny

Požadovaná úroven:

Není požadována žádná minimální kvalifikace.

Učastnický poplatek:  6500 Kč    pro členy SKIP:  0 Kč

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